Sunday, October 30, 2011

Advertising: Working as a collective (Part 1)

You've gotten your eye for advertising trained to be pretty sharp. Or so you think. In the real world, no one every works alone! For this next assignment, you are going to come up with a full advertising campaign as a group. THREE people will make up each group and there will be four different groups. Now, the pressure is on.

The group's performance depends on the reliability of it's members. You all now have a stake in each class member's attendance, work ethic, dependability and creativity. If one of you slacks off, it's up to the others in your group to get the slacker back on track. ALL members of the group will receive the same final grade for your final presentation regardless of individual participation. Don't allow any of your members to get away with not pulling their own weight! It's up to YOU to control your group, not me.

We will handle this campaign in stages. During each stage, your group will present your ideas and concepts, sketches and drawings, working comps and then final campaigns. Each phase of this assignment will be graded! Each person must do part of the presentation. If one person does not, they get a ZERO for the grade for that particular presentation. You can NOT make this zero grade up. I will NOT change it in my grade book! Discuss your presentation before hand and decide which of you will present what information. Plan ahead! For your FINAL presentation, you must all dress up as if you were presenting to real clients. That means dresses (or business-type suits) for ladies and suits (at the very least, dress shirt and tie) for the gentlemen. I am taking this project VERY seriously! Don't test my boundaries on the final presentation. You won't like the results!

Now, I wouldn't put you through all of this without some sort of prize as an incentive. :) The final presentations will be judged by a panel (of my choosing) and it will be decided which group did the best job. The winning group will get a free pass on the next assignment. That means you won't have to do the next assignment AND you'll get an automatic 100 grade. If you choose to complete the next assignment anyway, your grade will be entirely extra credit! 100 extra credit points will go a LONG way to improving your grade!

So, on to the assignment:

This week, your group will start to discuss ideas. You will have today's class and Wednesday's class to come up with them. I want to see ALL of your ideas written down to turn in. (there must be at LEAST 20 different ideas.) First thing on Monday (of next week) your group will present your three BEST ideas to the class and the class will vote on them and tell you which one to choose and work on. DO NOT SKETCH IDEAS AT THIS POINT. Just work on your ideas, written down on paper. Remember, your group has to turn in at least 20 ideas on paper by Monday. Be thinking of catchy tag lines, advertising headlines and body copy. Think of the direction for your ad. Will it be serious? Funny? Who will it appeal to? Adults? 20-somethings? 30-somethings? Men? Women? Single people? Families? First time customers or experienced customers? I want you to put a LOT of effort into thinking about this. That's why you'll be getting TWO class periods to work on ideas as a group. You should ALSO be spending time OUTside of class to work on this as a group. If you don't have good ideas hashed out by next Monday, you'll FAIL this part of the assignment. Am I clear?

Now, you'll need this one vital piece of information:
You are advertising an automobile.

You can choose any car, any car company, but it must actually exist. No made-up companies or cars. You may NOT use any of their existing advertising slogans or messages. You should research your ideas to make sure someone hasn't already used them. If they have, you'll FAIL this part of the assignment. You'll look like you're cheating if I think you've stolen an ad slogan or campain from someone else.

• Come up with a MINIMUM of 20 different (decent) ideas. Write them down to turn in.
• Pick your THREE favorite ideas and develop a presentation for all three.
• You must "sell" these ideas to the class. The class will pick your final direction for you.

Your 20 written ideas and your 3-idea presentations are due on Monday, November 7th. Each group member should present one idea during the presentation.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Crits in class today!

We will be going over your ads in class today for your final critiques. I want you to be able to talk about your original ideas, what you found out worked/didn't work, what ideas you got from our initial critique and how you implemented those ideas to create the ads we are looking at in class.

Please be prepared to talk about your ads! Part of your grade is your ability to present your work. For those in the audience: be prepared to make comments. If people aren't commenting on their classmate's work, everyone will get a bad critique grade!

NO Homework

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Work on your ads today!

Keep working on your new product ads. You should finish them today in class or for homework. They will be due at the beginning of class on Wednesday! Use class time to ask me any questions you might have, technical or aesthetic.

I want you to collect your InDesign files for output and save everything to a folder on your network drive. I also want you to save the ads in .PDF format to turn in.

• Finish your new product ads! They are due Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Reviewing your ads today

We will be reviewing your (almost) finished ads today on the screen. The class will critique them and you'll make your final tweaks. We wont have much class time to work on these after critiques but you should work on them for homework. Depending on how the crit goes, and how much work you all have left to do, these will either be due on Monday or beginning of class next Wednesday.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Continue Working, Mock-Ups are Due Wednesday!

Hi All,

Mr. Wells is out sick today. Please continue working on your product ads - you will refine them on Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Keep working on your ads!

I wont be in class today, but you will still meet at normal time and work on your projects. Use this class time wisely! Tina will be letting me know who works on their projects and who ducks out early.

We will discuss your progress on Monday. If you haven't made significant headway by then, you're on the wrong track. Don't slack just because I'm not there!

• Continue working on your product/advertisement!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Working on your ideas

Today you will be presenting your ideas to the class. Once you do, use today's class period to work on them. Take your time and ask questions.

• Keep working on these!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Advertising a product: from start to finish

You've had some practice recreating existing ads and you've even tried to come up with some ideas of your own. Now it's time to work on finding just the right idea.

Our next assignment will focus on the thought and creative process in creating an ad campaign from start to finish. You will work on a logo for a product. You will come up with a slogan for your product. You will come up with ideas on how to market your product. And lastly, you will create the advertising for your product.

Your classmates and myself will be your creative sounding board and we will critique each stage of this process. If we don't like your direction, we'll tell you why and answer questions you may have on how to be more effective. Use this opportunity to gather information and help develop your market strategy. We are your focus group!

These products must be totally made up. You can NOT use an existing product! No existing companies, no existing names, no existing products! You may ONLY choose a product in one of the following categories:

• a food item
• a child's toy
• a kitchen appliance
• a cleaning product
• a tool

Stage one: (also known as HOMEWORK:)
Use your class time today to think about the product type you would like to use. Sketch ideas out in your sketchbooks to get rid of bad ideas and tighten up good ones! Think carefully about your product. Come up with some basic information: Name of product. Slogan for your product. To whom are you marketing this product? Who is your target audience in advertising? (They are not always the same!) Write these ideas down in your sketchbook and begin sketching ideas! Keep working on these this weekend. Spend plenty of time developing your ideas. We will be able to tell if you put little effort into this stage and we will call you on it. PLUS, I'll be grading each stage of this assignment separately, so this part is GRADED!

We will talk about these in class on Monday. We will go over everyone's ideas and critique them to give you better direction. Again, this presentation is GRADED! Just want to be clear about that, so be prepared!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Finishing your ads

Use today's class time to finish your ads. They will be due at the BEGINNING of class on Wednesday. Use your time wisely!

• Finish your ads!!